100+ Things About Me

Oct 30, 2007 | Uncategorized

1. I’m female (yeah, go figure)
2. Mom of 3
3. Wife to 1
4. I’ve written a novel
5. I’m searching for an agent for said novel
6. The novel is a historical fiction/romance that I’ve been writing off and on for 6 years.
7. I’m addicted to my computer.
8. Seriously, if I’m not on it over the weekend, I go through withdrawals.
9. I used to talk like Elmer Fudd (The waskily wabbit wan wapidly).
10. 4 years of speech therapy corrected it…but it still slips in.
11. I’ve lived under 15 roofs
12. In 5 states
13. Indiana is one state, but I’ve lived here twice.
14. I’m a born and raised Buffalo Bills fan
15. I hate the Colts, Cowboys and Dolphins
16. My son was named for the Denver Bronco’s (he was born superbowl Sunday when they played Green Bay)
17. My dad picked the name 😉
18. I’m also a big hockey fan (SABRES!)…
19. My dad used to get free tickets to the games…
20. My brother and I would fight over who got to go.
21. I’ve been dancing since I was two and a half
22. I started with tap, and eventually got into jazz and ballet.
23. I now hate watching techniqueless dancers
24. I saw CATS on Broadway 11 times.
25. I saw the first tour of CATS when I was 6
26. I auditioned for the CATS tour back in 2000
27. I’ve performed in four community theatre musicals
28. I never thought I could sing (thanks to Mr. Sims)…
29. But got my first vocal lead in my second show ever done.
30. Side Show and Two by Two are now two of my fav musicals…and few people have heard of them.
31. I think I’m one of maybe twenty people that have recognized a line from Side Show in an episode of Will & Grace (When he’s on pain meds)
32. I had a cyst that grew to 5 pounds.
33. It started before I got preggo with my son, and grew through the pregnancy.
34. I forgot about the cyst until a year later when I was having intense pain and preggo symptoms…yet had been celibate for over a year 😛
35. Even my GYN said, “Wow…this sucker is huge”.
36. I had a hysterectomy at 30…6 months after my tubal (pointless procedure anyone?)
37. I’ve never broken a bone (yet…*knocks on wood*)
38. But I’m a HUGE clutz.
39. I’ve sprained my ankle twice (same ankle)
40. Both times I’ve sprained it, I’ve been doing the same thing
41. We have 300+ movies in our house.
42. Only about 50 of them are mine (and that includes series)
43. I’m too crafty for my own good. (that’s where the ADHD comes from)
44. I have done cross-stitch, crochet, knitting, needlework (not my fav), sewing clothes, and jewelry making.
45. I would be thrilled to spend an entire day at JoAnns…with a HUGE budget
46. I’ve got a problem with lying.
47. I always lie about money (but I’m getting better, I swear it)
48. I drive my DH crazy by ‘disappearing’ into my own little word…
49. I believe in ghosts
50. I believe because of experiences I’ve had.
51. I’ve seen ghosts of red-coats (yes, the british…french-indian war time), an indian chief…AND his horse. I also heard the drummers.
52. I’m a sensitive. Seeing or hearing the ghosts is very rare for me. I just know they’re there
53. I’ve read the Little House Books upwards of 30 times
54. 18 of those were before I turned 16
55. I started when I was 3
56. I stole the books from my brother
57. I was reading when I was 3…my dad says I would sit down with the REaders Digest
58. I believe myself to be ambi-lobed…I’m extremely creative, but I’m also math and science smart.
59. I hate tomatoes
60. And mushrooms
61. And onions
62. Onions have NEVER been used in my house (DH and I both hate them)
63. Despite that, I was a vegetable freak as a kid
64. I was a vegetable freak because I couldn’t eat anything else.
65. I was allergic to milk
66. And corn
67. And wheat
68. I outgrew all three allergies…
69. And then I got pregnant…
70. And my dairy allergy returned.
71. Now I can have one glass of milk a day…
72. I’m addicted to junk food
73. I have a permanent retainer
74. Without the retainer, I’d probably lose two of my front teeth because of super short roots
75. My favorite color is purple
76. It used to be yellow (yes, yellow)
77. I can sing most of the Backyardigans tunes from memory.
78. I think Steve (of Blues Clues) is HOT…have you seen him lately?!
79. I like to RPG
80. My fav RPGs have been my X-Men and Buffy…
81. I started RPGing through CATS RP’s
82. Three of my BFF’s ever are people I met online (only one has been met in person).
83. I’m no longer speaking to two of those
84. My BFF is someone I’ve never met
85. That drives my DH crazy
86. I met Dwight Schultz
87. He wasn’t very nice
88. I used to go to Star Trek con’s every year
89. At one of those I saw a Klingon get his face slammed in a bathroom door (not intentionally, the guy was a klutz)
90. I miss the East Coast.
91. I liked living 3 hours from NYC…and 40 miles from the capital
92. I am a republican
93. I am a Christian…but…
94. I’m also Wiccan curious
95. I still cry every time I hear the song “Grampa”
96. And when I read, “I Love You Forever”
97. Hell, I’m just an all around sap
98. All of my kids were ‘oops’ in one way or another
99. I was insane in high school…like stalkerish
100. I was also REALLY stupid
101. But I’d never change anything…because I wouldn’t be where I am today.




  1. 20(ish) for Me… | Redefining Perfect - [...] Five years ago (5? Really?  Wow….) I did a post called 100+ things about me. [...]

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