Writing vs. Reality – Guest Author Ashley Nemer

Oct 10, 2013 | Friday Dialogues, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing

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Here I am – a writer struggling to find a way to balance life, reality and dreams.

I know I can’t speak for others but I know for me, this seems like an impossible task some days. There is just too many things going on in life that something has to give. It’s finding that item that you can do without. That movie you don’t HAVE to see so you can stay home for two hours in quiet and write out a scene. It’s getting up early, churning out a few hundred words then hitting the streets and working on your day job.

I worry that I miss out on part of life to stay home and follow that dream I feel burning deep inside. Then when I do take moments to set the dream aside and experience life, I feel guilty that I’m letting myself down. It is a constant struggle I feel deep inside.

That’s why I have a rule, every three months I take one month off. That way, I know, at least for a quarter of the year I am guilt free in spending time basking in the sun, driving around town, chilling at the movies or simply cuddling on the couch reading a book.

I think that’s what is the hardest part about writing – it isn’t creating the characters or worlds, its balancing the world you live in. As a writer you have a few…Reality – your everyday life with family and friends, Your world when you’re writing – the world that blocks everything out and puts you into what I call a zone, nothing but extreme focus and concentration. And then the worlds you create in your mind and then deliver onto paper. These are the worlds that occupy your thoughts, your dreams and what sometimes you mistake for actual reality.

I’m hoping one day I’ll be able to quit the day job so I can focus on just my writing for eight hours and then live my life in the reality that everyone else exists in.

One day – that dream will come true.


The Art of Safkhet Presents – The Blood Series

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Blood Purple

In a world we think we know, live other races entirely hidden from the mortal perspective.  Creatures of legend, of fable and myth, their very history and nature have allowed them to walk side by side with humans since time immemorial.  They are warriors, they are hunters, and they are Algula.  Vampire.  And in their own midst, a battle is brewing for supremacy, for dominance, that can and will affect all around them.  Old hatred never dies and vengeance is a fiery sword that cuts a bloody swath.

Will be Available in Print and E-book formats

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Blood Yellow

The lines are drawn, and Zayn and Nikole must face each other in a battle of forgiveness and power; each attempting to right their wrongs, each battling their own inner demons.

Haydar and Leigh prepare for war, rounding their men and setting into motion courses that cannot be undone.

The tales will fall in line as the four of them come face to face with each other, and they will watch loved ones perish.

When the dust settles and dawn breaks, who’s going to be left standing and who will be missing? Will Nikole forgive Zayn for his betrayal? Will Leigh and Haydar overcome their differences? Will Adara say yes?

Blood Yellow…Because the stories only just begun….

Will be Available in Print and E-book Formats




Dominic pulled up to the house, looking up at the tall wall surrounding the mansion. The red brick cast a shadow over the car, making it unseen from the side of the road, the perfect place to hide. He opened the door and the cool evening breeze hit him hard. The smell of the mountains captivated him. Getting out, he started to walk along the wall, analyzing his options of entry. His leg still throbbed, the warm blood running down it. His mind couldn’t stop thinking about his omm. Had that really been her? He knew he was worthless as an ebn’, and he killed her after all. If he hadn’t been born, she would still be alive, and his abb wouldn’t have such hatred for him.

He heard something off in the distance, pausing to listen closely while inclining his head towards the tree line. He saw two animals a few feet away, a doe and her fawn. Lucky fucking animal to have an omm who tended to him, he thought. No one understood what it was like, killing their own omm. The failure of knowing you were letting everyone down didn’t matter the age, you still fucking failed. He walked for half a mile looking for a weakness in the wall, a place to set up his attack. He saw a foot hold up ahead. It looked like an old ladder was attached to the wall. Dominic ran his hand over the indentations on the wall, gripping his hands in them. Looking back over his shoulder at the deer, he let out a sigh. “Fuck you, Omm. You left me to rot at the hand of my abb. Now it’s time to fucking end this war.”

He started to scale the wall, right hand, left foot, left hand, right foot, over and over. Reaching the top he peered over the rim. He saw the lights shining on the grounds, the dogs walking the grass patrolling for intruders. He pulled himself up, supporting his weight on the wall.

“Dominic, this isn’t you, stop this. This is your abb’s, fight not yours.” Dominic hissed his fangs out toward the voice.

“What do you want now? I thought I told you to leave me the fuck alone, like you have my whole fucking life.” He pulled his lower half up onto the wall, looking down at the dogs walking in the grass. “You never cared about me. Why are you trying to stop me?”

Her translucent form grazed his hand then went up to his cheek, cupping it. He could feel the coolness from her form; his body yearned for love, for compassion. How could he take love and tenderness from someone who was the first to betray him?

“Dominic, I love you, never doubt that. My love for you started the moment you were conceived. I had your akh and okht for your abb but you, you were for me, someone I could love and claim as mine. You were all I wanted.”

“LIAR! All you do is lie!”

He felt the tears in his eyes form and then blinked as they started to roll down his cheek. He was such a coward, worthless and weak. Look at him, crying on a wall to his omm. What kind of man does this shit? He looked back to the mother doe, she was cleaning her fawn. Lucky son of a bitch. “Why are you just now showing up? Why can’t you just answer me?”

Sarah started to shake her head at him, trying to make him see. “Dominic, I am here to help you save yourself. I don’t want the only child I loved to die not knowing a parent’s love. Let me help you; let me show you what you mean to me.”

Dominic shook his head no with a flurry of anger. “It’s too late for me.”


AshleyNemerAuthor Bio

Ashley is married and lives in Houston with her husband Tony. They have two dogs, Toto and Doogie. They have been together for over 8 and a 1/2 years and he brings her more joy than she could ever imagine as a child. She loves to read and has been hooked on the romance genre ever since her lifelong best friend Laura gave her “Ashes to Ashes’ by Tami Hoag to read when they were younger.

Ashley finds her strength through her family, especially her parents. They always support her in life; they push her to strive for greatness. There once was a motto that Ashley heard in her youth through her Taekwondo life ‘Reach for the Stars’ and that is what Ashley has always done. It was through her upbringing that the values Ashley has and displays come from. With her parents always cheering her on in life she was able to grow up having faith in herself and her ability to conquer the world.

Author Information: Ashley Nemer Website Facebook Twitter




  1. Writing vs. Reality – Guest Author Ashley Nemer | Indy Geek GirlsIndy Geek Girls - […] Writing vs. Reality – Guest Author Ashley Nemer […]

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