Apparently WEIRD is in our DNA.

May 26, 2011 | All About Denver, All About Kennedy, Cystic Fibrosis, Special Needs

When a pulmonologist with over 20 years of experience declares your family’s case is “Weird”…you know you’ve got issues.

Yesterday Angel had her (4th) CF birthday visit. Brandon had his first CF visit ever.

There was the standard blood work, sputum cultures and x-rays done and then after lunch we got to meet with our pulmonologist. During the entire day the oddness of our family’s case was expounded upon.

* Both have defects on the CFTR gene.  They both have slightly different defects. Angel’s leans more in the ‘standard’ CF direction…Brandon’s does not.

* The defect for both kids is one that has not been seen before.

* It is generally thought that their case of CF is “mild” as per the standard.

* Both of them had positive sweats, but in a low-positive area.

* In the strangest note of the day the pulm said that you could lay Angel’s x-ray on top of Brandon’s and the affected area in both of them would match up perfectly.  They have almost identical lung damage in the almost exact same place.

We are moving forward with them.  Their treatment plans are set.  Brandon will have another test (a new CF diagnostic test).

We will meet with the genetic counselor still – the appointment is a month out.  It was suggested that because of the oddness of our case we may all end up having our genetic tests run.

Until then we continue on. As we have been.

One foot in front of the other. One day at a time.




  1. Vanessa

    Holy smokes!! Don’t know what to say other than good luck and yes, that all is very weird! AND…that is a darling picture of Angel and Brandon. 🙂

    • Sarah


      Thanks! I love that picture of those two. It was taken a few months ago at a different doctors appointment.

      And thanks…we need the luck ~lol~ It’s craziness over here.

  2. Tara R.

    That is such a sweet photo of Brandon and Angel.

    I don’t know if ‘weird’ is good, but it might get them some extra attention from their doctors and that could be a good thing.

    • Sarah

      @Tara R.,

      Yeah, the ‘weird’ may get our whole family some extra attention ~lol~ But..hopefully that means good things for the kids. As of right now they’re mostly healthy monsters…and I’d like to keep them that way 🙂


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