#Resound11 – Day 1

Dec 1, 2011 | All About Me, All of Us

[flickr id=”6317132650″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”] What is one word to describe your 2011? Why does that word sum up your year?

I sat and pondered on this for over 24 hours. When all was said and done, I could only come up with one word consistently to describe 2011 for me.


It started with CF testing for Brandon and the lingering effects of Angels Christmas-time hospital stay. PICC lines and genetic tests.

From there it was the up and down of whether or not Brandon did have CF. A positive test followed by a negative test. A negative test changed to a positive.

There were school events, track meets, cross country, Riley’s ups & downs in school, Angel’s entrance to school. Visits from dear friends when our house was filled to overflowing with people and love. Several times we dog sat for my parents. Many family members visited from out of town. I had a brief bout of working outside the home again. I’ve written 260k words, 4 books, sent out queries and manuscripts. I had a post featured on Band Back Together. I celebrated my 9th wedding anniversary.

It feels like I barely had time to breathe this year. There was always something going on and it passed faster than I ever could have imagined.

It was totally chaotic.

It was bad, it was good, it was all over the map.

I’m still trying to figure out how it’s almost over.



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