Tuesday Tales – Noisy {Hybrid}

Apr 5, 2013 | Books, Hybrid, Tuesday Tales, Writing

candleThe prompt this week was Noisy.

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

“Why did you wait so long?” I leaned my cheek against his arm as I had when I was young. “I might have been able to help you smooth things over.”

“I wanted you as far as possible while Alatus made trouble. As the first hybrid to ever exist, you have been in the most danger.”

“Because the other hybrids are not natural born…”

“And therefore nothing more than noisy little humans with a bit of magic.” Jdyne’s nose wrinkled, a huff of smoke erupting with his snort. “At least according to the most stubborn and elderly of the Assembly. They never have seen the value of humans.”

“Whereas you have a great affection and weakness for them.” I frowned. “What made the situation split our people so decisively?”

“Alatus captured a hybrid in the attack on Kryztalia. He forced the lad to show what he was capable of in front of the Assembly. Unfortunately, luck was with Alatus as the hybrid he captured was one of those more dragon than human.”

I stretched out my elegantly patterned hand, to see the now red nails grown to resemble talons. “Does he have the same capability as I do?”

“Alatus tortured the boy until he was half transformed, half human. It was a grotesque display.” My father took a deep breath before he stopped avoiding my question. “And yes, he learned of the unique skill you have, and a handful of the hybrids have. It incensed the assembly that any hybrid should have more power than a true dragon. Like I said, you have been in great danger.”

“Thanks for the warning.” I responded in a dry tone. “So why risk bringing me before the Assembly now?”

“You are skilled at making them see reason. They need to hear the other side without the rhetoric of Alatus in their ear.”

“Where is he now?”

“The Other World.”

“Getting reinforcements.”


Hope you enjoyed it!  Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!







  1. The Fiction Vixen

    Well this most certainly has me curious.

    You have a lovely website by the way..x

    • Sarah

      Thanks! I do love my website. lol. It took me a while to get it it just right 😀

      And thanks again! I’m enjoying this tale as I go. It surprises me every week!

    • Sarah

      Thanks, Vicki! I’m really having fun with this story 😀

  2. Tricia

    Incredible post! I am so facinated they are dragons. I can’t wait to see where this tale takes her.

    • Sarah

      🙂 Thank you Tricia! I’m learning their lore as I go and it’s quite a fascinating ride. I’m making plans for this story which may take it out of the Tuesday Tales realm…but for now, I’m still enjoying taking it week by week 🙂

  3. Lindsay

    I can’t wait to see what happens when she goes in front of the Assembly

    • Sarah

      neither can I, Lindsay!! I’m curious where the coming weeks will take this story as I work on it…as always 😀

    • Sarah

      ~bows~ Thank you, Sherry. Jyoti and Jdyne are turning into fascinating characters. I don’t know where the story will go, but ideas are forming 😀 I hope I can maintain the visual feel I’ve established in this story.

  4. Jean

    Aha! A peacemaker, huh? Looking forward to seeing how this amazing one will be making things smooth with the ruffled dragon feathers, so to speak.

    • Sarah

      LOL. We’ll see, Jean! Not sure even Jy knows what she’s going to do when she gets there. 😉

      (Good to see you again…you’ve been missed!)

  5. Davee Jones

    I hope she stays protected even after Alatus returns, especially with reinforcements.


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