And so it begins – but there’s still so much to learn…

May 11, 2009 | All About Denver, Tween-ology

“Something happened at school today.”

I look at my son in concern.  This could be anything.

“I almost asked out a girl.”

Uh…back the truck up, you WHAT?  I just grin, and ask why he didn’t.

“Someone beat me to it.”

I blink a few times, trying to digest this.  Clear my throat, “Okay.  So why didn’t you ask her out too?”

“Well, cuz then she’d be going on a double date.”

I resist the urge to facepalm right in front of him, stifle my laughter and point out that this is NOT what I meant.

He has since assured me that this coupling won’t last because Cindy* is country, and the other boy is city/hiphop.  “It won’t last until next week.”

My poor boy.  I’ll be having his Dad have a chat with him tonight.  He needs a few clues thrown his way.



  1. Leslie


    I fear that my eleven year old is going to be saying something similar to that soon. I’ve noticed that lately, she’s (gasp!) showering! And has asked to paint her nails… and is actually BRUSHING HER HAIR!!

    I think that the girl has noticed the opposite gender…


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