More Accomplishments…

Nov 16, 2007 | Autism, Speech

Yesterday I promised updates of another Molly accomplishment, and here it is…

Wednesday I took the girls into the bedroom where DH was watching a movie. They were playing on the bed, climbing all over him and me…just have a grand old time.

While playing, I often play ‘word games’ with the girls, trying to get them to repeat the sounds. K is always game, copying to the best of her abilities. So somehow that night we ended up saying “Up, Down.” I think K had said ‘happy’, and it sounded similar to up/down, so I went with it. Anyway, I start saying “Up, Down. Up, Down.” K is copying it…and suddenly I take note of Molly.

She’s standing up, and sitting down. Standing up, sitting down. She KNOWS what Up/Down means!!! Thinking it was a fluke, we moved on…and then started again…and she started doing it again! Up, down, up down…Then she started jumping to get us to say it faster!!!

We always suspected (pretty much knew) there was more knowledge in her head than she could express…to see it evidenced in action is HUGE!!! Big day!! We’re very happy 😀



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