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When it’s all too much.

When everything hits at once and I just want to collapse.


Crawl in a hole.


One child with autism – now on ADHD meds.

Two with CF.

One of those that’s currently ill – and facing possible hospitalization for the second time in a year.

One of those that also has behavioral issues that make me wonder just how to handle it all with her.

A dad with Parkinson’s…which is rapidly growing worse.

A mom I want to help, but am clueless as to how.

A brother I haven’t spoken to in 2 years, with whom I’m now making baby steps to repair that relationship.


A new job I never wanted, but needed to get.

A surgery to “Fix” a problem…that didn’t work at all, and might have made it worse.

The list goes on.

And on.

And I forget how to breathe.

I forget which way is up.

But I move on.

I continue on every day as I have every day.

Eventually I remember how to breathe.

My brain remembers how to process.

I find solid ground again.

Today I’m upside down.

Tonight sleep won’t be easy.

But maybe tomorrow…

Tomorrow will be better.



    • Sarah Cass

      Thanks, Michelle. The hugs are welcome and needed today. We got some good news (no hospital stay)…but it came on the heels of a broken heart for the boy…so this silver lining held a dark cloud. ~sigh~

  1. Katie

    Sorry friend. Times like this are so hard. Praying for you and your family. Let me know how I can help?


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