Medical Rebellion – Not a Good Plan…

IMG_20130915_064017Teenagers are expected to rebel.

When they don’t you worry.  I wasn’t huge on rebellion, but I found my own way to rebel – by ignoring my scholastic capabilities.

I never expected to be faced with a whole different sort of rebellion in my kids.

Medical rebellion.

It’s a dangerous game.

The “I feel fine, so I don’t need to maintain” game.

Now we have the new, added complexity of a compression vest.

Something the teen does not want to do.

Already he doesn’t do the things he doesn’t mind, and that only take a few minutes.

Maintaining seems like such a hassle when you’re fine.

Especially to a teenager.

Even a teenager that dreams of being a doctor.

Of all the things in my life that cause me stress and worry.

Medical rebellion resides at the top of the list.

Couldn’t he just give himself a mohawk and wear black and be all emo?

That I could handle.

I lived through that as a teen w/ best friends that weren’t…preppy…at all.

I could handle emo.

This medical rebellion crap?

It sucks.