The Difference of a Year

Sep 5, 2013 | All About Learning, All About Molly, All of Us, Autism, IEP, Special Needs

JoyLast year at this time I was frustrated, at turns livid, and tired of the fight.

Our call for the IEP meeting was later than it should have been. The struggle to acclimate Molly with her class and teacher was more tedious because we weren’t able to meet with her in a one-on-one setting until there was a problem.

This year I’ve already posted about our great head start by meeting with the teacher and her teacher actually reading last years IEP.

This week we had the IEP meeting.

The depth and scope of the IEP and their knowledge of Molly already, just a few short weeks into the school year impressed me.  I don’t know if it’s because Indiana puts intense focus on testing and education once the kids are in 3rd grade, or because the 3-4th grade school** is just that much more on the ball…but not only did the IEP go smoothly, but they caught all of our concerns and needs before we even had to open our mouths.

Of course this deep attention means that for the first time we are facing the possibility of Molly going into the “resource room” for one particular subject, which we’ll know in the next six weeks.

But it also means that there will be accommodations for tests, independent work…for HER.

For the first time I don’t want to say “Our school system is amazing, unless you have a special needs student.”  This year they didn’t drop the ball…they made a touchdown.

And I finally feel like I can relax.


**Our school system is different. There are only 4 schools: K-2, 3-4, 5-8 & High School.




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