So many times people think Molly and Kennedy are ACTUAL twins instead of Irish twins.

Oftentimes they (and I) have found it rather annoying…


You go on a trip to Disney/Universal for the youngest’s Wish.

Because Kennedy is SO in love with the Harry Potter books/movies/everything your very first stop on your very first day is none other than Ollivander’s so you can beat the crowds you’d heard were so crazy and have a chance at your little one getting the most awesome treat of being picked by Ollivander to get her very own wand.

It truly was our first day so we had no idea the true meaning of the magic of our Make-A-Wish badges and buttons…but within the walls of Ollivander’s Wand shop we learned quickly.

We also learned that it can be a good thing that people think Molly and Kennedy are actual twins…

Because when Ollivander selected those that would get their wands –

He picked Kennedy AND Molly.

(Here is where I would insert the video if it was not such a colossal mess of flipping sideways and darkness and not being able to hear everything. Sorry. The tale alone will have to do.)

First, he learned their names, then the wand selection began.

First, he handed Kennedy a wand made of Willow with a unicorn hair as its core. She waved with a “Wingardium Leviosa” and…well…the shelves went crashing down.

Then, he handed Molly a wand of hazel with a unicorn hair as its core. He instructed her to light it…and much to our surprise, she said in a very strong voice despite the crowd “Lumos!”  Lightning flashed through the building, loud claps of thunder.

Ollivander used a quick spell to disperse the storm, and turned to my girls, tutting that they were indeed very difficult…

Then, the moment of brilliance.

He picked up the wands before each of the girls, making a statement to their twin cores…before crossing his arms so that each girl got the opposite wand to their first attempt, Molly with the willow and Kennedy with the Hazel…and then…

The moment of perfection, light and wind brushed across them as they found their perfect wands…or the wands found them.

Of course, we happily paid for the wands because they were chosen by Ollivander himself and brought them home with us. They had a prominent place until we began packing up to move. Soon enough, they’ll be on display again…and put to good use within the park itself.

It is true magic to see the wands choosing its wizard…and pure joy that both our girls got to experience the magic…together.





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