This? This is not “improved”

Mar 7, 2012 | All About Kennedy, Crap, Cystic Fibrosis, Special Needs, SSI, WTF?

[flickr id=”5293689107″ thumbnail=”small_320″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]I have spent the past 3 months jumping through hoops. Doing everything the government asked. Going to appointments that seemed ridiculous.  After all, she is covered by SSI for Cystic Fibrosis. It’s a set diagnosis. It’s not going to change.

I thought it was just normal. Three years had passed, they did a re-evaluation and we’d go on our merry way as we had been.

I never imagined we’d get a letter declaring the cessation of benefits.

That somehow, according to the government, Cystic Fibrosis is a condition that stands the chance of improving.

That somehow, 2 hospital visits, the addition of a very costly monthly med, a decrease in vitamin levels, a continuing need for nutritional supplements all equal an “improvement” in her condition.

I’ve already met with the lawyer.

Filed the appeal.

I get to go to court (woo-frickin’-hoo).

Continue to jump through their hoops. This time w/ a good lawyer on our baby’s side.

Stupid government.



  1. Mary

    Agreed. Stoopid Government.

  2. Tara R.

    This is all levels of ridiculous. Good luck with your appeal.

    • Sarah

      @Tara R.,

      Isn’t it, though? I am reassured by the fact that the lawyer I’ve retained has absolutely no love loss for the government and the way they handle these benefits. Hopefully things go smooth. Until then we’ll be without the money though. ~sigh~

  3. Rachael

    I’m sorry. This is lame. Our medical system is so screwed up.


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