Preparing for change…

Oct 8, 2007 | Autism

One of the hardest adjustments I’ve had to make is the preparation for change. Being that M is only two and a half, explaining to her upcoming changes isn’t so easy. And they are sometimes unexpected. So, instead of preparing her right now, I have to prepare myself.

This weekend we got ‘new’ furniture. From my parents we got a three-piece entertainment center. It’s not a huge change, we had an entertainment center…so we just swapped out the middle piece…but then the two side pieces were put into the room as well. One of them replaced a toy chest/diaper cabinet of hers.

Yesterday in reaction, M had a bad day. Slept a lot, when she woke up was crabby for some time. She came out of it alright in the end…but I was ill-prepared for the adjustment. Wasn’t even thinking about it, really, until it happened.

Note to self…from now on, prepare for change. And as soon as M is old enough…prepare HER for change!



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