I have a cold.

Oct 11, 2007 | CF

And honestly…this is the first illness in the house, beyond allergies, since K’s diagnosis. As the first official illness…and one that could translate into lung issues…I am admittedly a bit freaked out. Eventually it will become old hat…but I’m avoiding my own daughter in concern for her developing a cough. Every time I go near her, I use the hand sanitizer first…but I can’t use that on my face. I’m one step away from getting a mask from the garage so I don’t spread it when I pick her up…she’s such a snuggly, kissy thing…

So today I do battle with my own fears on top of the cold. I don’t want her sick…but I know it’s unavoidable in most cases. I’ll take my precautions and hope that it’s enough.

I’m thinking of getting hand sanitizer to place all over the house…getting us in the habit of using it all the time…but then I worry aobut using it ‘too much’. Catch-22’s here we come.



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