Traditions can make or break a holiday. The traditions we grew up with as a child are translated into something we try to do with our kids. Every year we add traditions or drop them, but if we don’t have any…our holiday can be only ho-hum. In my family there are several traditions that I continue to follow to this day. Christmas is not Christmas without them.
The first thing that makes it Christmas is listening to the The Oak Ridge Boys Christmas Album. How can you not hear Thank God for Kids with lyrics like “When you look down in those trusting eyes; That look to you, you realize; There’s a love that you can’t buy; Thank God for kids…” and not melt? There’s just something about this album that brings Christmas to our family. We ALWAYS listen to it on Christmas eve (there’s a song for that, too!!)
There are two movies that we must watch, too! First is Scrooge. It’s the musical version of a Christmas Carol and it’s just bright and cheery and perfect for decorating the tree with! And we canNOT live without Alastair Sim, the original Black and White version of A Christmas Carol
. His pure joy when he wakes up on Christmas morning cannot be beat…even by the drool-worthy Patrick Stewart.
Beyond media, though…there is one specific tradition that has meant very much to me for the past 9 years. Christmas Eve.
When I was growing up as a child every Christmas Eve my brother and I would climb into one or the other’s bed (alternating every year) and my Mother would read The Night Before Christmas. The linked version is the one she read. The pictures were so magical to me. The way she read it brought life to the pages and made me so eager for Santa’s arrival. I can still remember the giddy joy of clamoring into bed, me on one side of her, my brother on the other.
When my oldest was born the tradition was passed on. My dad took up the tradition with his grandson, who meant so much to him. I bought myself the exact same version I’d grown up with, and my dad would read that – and then the bible story of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:1-20).
Now my oldest is almost 10. I have two very young girls at home. The torch has been passed again – onto me. Now on Christmas Eve, I gather my babies close to me on the couch and we read The Night Before Christmas . I quote the bible scripture, having memorized it years ago. We play our Oak Ridge Boys and set out Cookies and milk for Santa…and if I’m thoughtful enough to remember, carrots for the reindeer.
I don’t know for a fact that my brother also carries on these same traditions, but I like to think that he does. They meant a lot to us growing up…and I’m so happy to pass them on. I only hope they mean as much to my children as they did to me.
This post was made in honor of a contest over at Sue’s Navel Gazing…but I probably would have made it anyway 😀 I love the holiday! Thank you, Sue for the prompt!!
I love reading about other’s traditions! We always read “Twas the Night Before Christmas” on Christmas Eve. Actually we have about a zillion traditions, so I’ll just stop with that one!
I love reading traditions, too!! Now that I’ve posted mine, I have to wade through the others that posted for this contest!! *G* Traditions are grand!
(Did I just say…GRAND?)
I love these ideas. Someone gave me a Night Before Christmas picture book before our kids were born and it’s just been sitting in a box. I definitely need to get it out of storage. Thanks for playing!
Thanks, Sue!! I loved this contest! HEck, there may be more posts coming on Christmas traditions old and new!! Definitely get that book out of storage…it’s a great snuggle fest 😀
I found you from Navel Gazing’s site. I entered the same contest and like you, probably would have entered it anyway. Loved your traditions!