I hate Halloween

Oct 1, 2008 | Holidays

My mother hated Halloween, and I guess she passed it on to me.

Walking around to stranger’s houses and begging for food.  Bratty teenagers creating havoc performing more tricks than treats.  The cost/hassle of costumes, pumpkins. 

I was predestined to dislike it. 

Then during high school my dad’s employee vehicle was egged.  The neighborhood we lived in was filled with the rich, snobby kid set…and it sort of sealed Halloween’s fate for me.

I hated it.

As Brandon has gotten older, my dislike grew.  I leave my house dark, not like our neighborhood gets many hits (it’s sort of off the beaten path) anyway.  I have Archie take Brandon out, the girls don’t go (Riley went her first year, Angel has never gone).  I cringe and blah my way through the day.

So why am I finding myself getting excited now?  Planning on going to the pumpkin patch for the harvest festival/corn maze?  Getting ideas for pumpkins that don’t necessarily involve carving?  Recipes for pumpkin-involved dishes?  Thinking of cheap, easy costumes to MAKE for the girls?  Why do I have visions of them dressed as a princess and an angel? 

Is it possible that…I’m starting to…LIKE Halloween?  Or at least get interested in it? 

Or am I just facing serious mental illness?  Because I’m also already making plans to expand our Christmas decorations, too…which I’ve always done (planned), but never followed through on…



  1. Jessi

    Well you have other reasons to like Halloween that you didn’t have before. I think there’s always a thing with Mom’s making their little girl’s costumes. Boys aren’t the same when they are Brandon’s age

    Jessi´s last blog post..Kids say the Darndest things Part two

  2. Momisodes

    Christmas stuff already?! You are SO on the ball 🙂
    I think for us going to a pumpkin patch while apple picking is what we look forward to most. Trekking outside in the cold weather doesn’t get me all too excited though.

    Momisodes´s last blog post..Confessions

  3. Barbara

    Nah! I’ve pretty much been the scrooge of halloween, but I bought a pumpkin this week. I like looking at it. Can’t decide if I’m gonna carve it or eat it.

    Barbara´s last blog post..Not Wordless Wednesday (anymore)

  4. Annie

    You’re not mentally ill, I promise.

    Halloween is fun! The only thing I don’t like about it is when older teens show up in a half-a$$ed costume. Thankfully, in our neighborhood, we only get the cute little kids. Our teens across the street last year just outright asked us if we’d give them our leftover candy. I like that a lot better!

    Annie´s last blog post..Reality check


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