Weekly Winners – Help a girl out please!

Jan 25, 2009 | Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

This week is something different.  I’m calling on you to help me out!  I am getting ready to submit some photographs to a local competition.  I’m supposed to narrow it down to six pictures maximum. These are some of my favorites from the past year – as you can see, narrowing it down to 6 is darn near impossible for me.  I’m asking you to help by voting for your two favorites in each of 3 categories!  Thanks!!

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Pick your two favorite!
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Pick your two favorite!
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Pick your two favorite!
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    Awesome work, all of them, but I picked my absolute faves for you!

    Can’t wait to hear how you do at the competition. !!!

  2. Sarah

    Thanks, Mishi! I should know pretty fast. Deadline to submit is February 5th…and the show starts February 15th!

  3. Sarah

    Thanks, Tara!! I appreciate all the votes! I even made hubby vote!

  4. Sarcastic Mom

    Alrighty, I voted!

    So many beautiful photos, it was hard! I am so drawn to the one with the autumn leafed tree. Lovely. 🙂

    Sarcastic Mom´s last blog post..Weekly Winners, January 18-24

  5. Sarah

    Thank you, Lotus!! So far there are clear winners in two of the categories…but, much like me, everyone is having as much trouble with my shots of the girls as I am *lol*

  6. tara

    i love, love, love the kiddo shots! best of luck!

    tara´s last blog post..we’re hungry

  7. Sarah

    Thanks, Tara! I love my kiddo shots, too 😉 You can see why I need so much help!

  8. Sarah

    Thank you for voting, Maggie! I’ll let everyone know when I them decided and sent in!!

  9. Jeanette

    Voted! But I have to add a few things…
    Threads of life – love it but fix the horizon, or make it more skew before you submit it.
    Kids photos – judges prefer it when the child is looking at the camera, either that or they need to see some light in the eye, if not, you’ll probably get marked down for the shot.

  10. Sarah

    Thanks for voting! And for the tips! If Threads of Life is one that’s submitted I’ll definitely take a good look at the angles…I’ll post pics of the finished products before they’re shipped off!

  11. Sarah

    Thanks, Melissa!! I appreciate all the help in picking out these entries!!

  12. Angela

    Man, Sarah! That was hard! I loved them all! Good luck with the competition … can’t wait to see how you do!

  13. Sarah

    Thank you!! I appreciate the votes!

  14. Sarah

    Thank you so much!! Every vote helps me decide!!

  15. Sarah

    Thanks, Terri!!

  16. Sarah

    Thanks, Smoochie!! Looks like I have some clear cut winners…and some not so clear cut!! It’s going to be interesting 😀

  17. Sarah

    Thank you, Tiff!! I’ll keep you all up to date!

  18. * TONYA *

    Absolutely gorgeous photos. Amazing. I’ve submitted my votes.

    * TONYA *´s last blog post..WEEKLY WINNERS

  19. Barbara

    Can you help me learn to watermark my digital photos? Sure appreciate it.


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