Painting with poop

Feb 13, 2009 | Crap

Yesterday was a horrible, very bad, no good kind of day.

I was feeling hurt/disappointed/angry out of an argument over homeschooling w/ the hubs. 
Angel and Riley were obnoxious despite recovering from colds. 
Brandon had been graciously left alone during our appointment on Wednesday – and promptly lied to me upon my return home about what he’d been doing.
My house was a mess and I did absolutely nothing to help the cause.

The day culminated in me going into girls bedroom after nap time to find EVERYTHING painted…with POOP.  The bed was COVERED. The curtains, the walls…Angel – from head to toe – and it was thickly coating the hand she had in her mouth. No, I did not get pictures I was too thoroughly disgusted (and you should be glad).

I lost it.  I think I may have had a small aneurysm.  The girls literally spent the rest of the night in time out (after a thorough scream-filled bath because I used the shower head instead of being nice w/ my rinsing). 

I don’t know how to get my girls to stay in bed.  Their clothes are piled in my bedroom because they get out of bed and empty the drawers (and closet).

Do you think I’d get in trouble if I duct taped them to the bed every night?



  1. Dan

    Some days are like that.

    Poop containment system failure was more than once the cause of the shower head cleaning with my son. The only good thing was that he thought it was fun.

    Remember, it could be worse. (Although when in the midst you always wonder how.)

    Dan´s last blog post..Friday High Five

  2. Barbara

    Speechless. Empathetic. But speechless.

  3. Roxanne

    I just had this happen to me last night! It was horrible. (And it’s about the sixth time it has happened in the last two or three months.) I hope my babies outgrow this stage soon, and I hope the same for you!

    Roxanne´s last blog post..A Violet Death



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