Weekly Winners – 03/01/09

Mar 1, 2009 | Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

This week is pictures from a couple of weeks ago.  February went by in a haze and I remember little of it.  However for Angel’s CF clinic this month I brought along my camera.  So I’m calling this entry “Hospital in Black and White”

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    • Sarah

      Thank you, Tara! I had a few more shots but they weren’t as eye catchig as these, thats why the selection is so small!

  1. Secret Agent Mama

    Very interesting and appealing perspectives!

    What’s your camera?

  2. Sarah

    Thanks, Mishelle! I use a Canon Rebel XTi. I believe all of these were taken with the (crap) lens that comes with it. I left my better lens at home. I’m still learning much about photography and I’m playing with learning how to use the settings. Unfortunately sometimes the pics end up sort of grainy, but I take it as part of the learning process and love every speck of noise 😉


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