The Other Woman…

Mar 2, 2009 | All About Erik

Archie has a new mistress*.  She’s younger than me, but needs some work.  She’s living at Moe’s house (our next door neighbor) while Archie consults with the plastic surgeon over the cosmetic work, the GI for the internal work, and brushes up on his own skills to do what he can by himself.

I’m not jealous, she’s pretty – and I’ve promised him that he would be able to find another mistress once we were in a better financial position.  I’ve been making that promise ever since we kicked out his previous mistress for false advertising. 

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A 1985 Mustang GT.  She wasn’t rnning when they brought her home last week – but they got her started.  There is some rust – in fact Archie is currently upset because they found a new rust spot in the floor board – but overall she’s in good shape, and they got her for a great price.

As expected, Archie is a little intimidated by the amount of work she’ll need to get road worthy (which in the grand scheme of things isn’t much)…but I haven’t seen him this happy in a while – he’s very excited about her…

The nice thing is our neighbor Moe is a big-huge car guy (seriously, his Mustang/Saleen resto’s have been written about and appeared in books, etc)…so we have first hand knowledge-help in this project. 

Right now it’s up in the air whether or not they’ll just make her road worthy and sell her for a profit (to turn around and buy one in slightly better condition and do the same) – or make her road worthy and Archie will drive it himself this summer.  I don’t want Archie to sell it in a quick decision like we did the last Mustang…but I will defer to Moe’s better judgment on the issue.

I’ll keep you updated as time goes on. 

*My apologies to Archie – he doesn’t care for me calling this car his ‘mistress’ because “it’s just a car – not my family”…but I’m certain he knows I’m just teasing him…he’s been looking for a car like this for ages and this one fell into his lap.  I’m very happy for him and can’t help but tease him a little bit 😀


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  1. Redefining Perfect » Blog Archive » Fully Armed… - [...] past couple of weeks.  He’s a great friend and a big help to Archie when it comes to his…

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