You’re with Stupid

Mar 6, 2009 | All About Me, Crap

Due to a grievous injury I stupidly caused to myself…

I’m currently hopped up on pain pills and unable to bring you the post that’s been sitting in my drafts for the past two days. It will be presented at my earliest convenience…and lucidity.

And yes, I will tell the FULL story of my own stupidity soon. seriously, you’ll laugh your a$$ off – my mother did.



  1. Jess

    Hey I got to listen to the entire incident. *ducks*

    Love you 🙂

    Jess´s last blog post..The Impotence of Proofreading

    • Sarah

      LMAO. Yes. You were with me through the whole thing…smarta$$. Did it sound as bad as it felt…?

      (I’m seriously just laughing at the memory. Drugs are fun)

  2. Sarah

    Thanks Trish! I’m very very achy today. I’m insisting that my 11yo help out w/ the girls because I’m kicking out my hubs to work on the car. I’m hoping that tomorrow we get to go look at puppies for some puppy therapy (and to place one on hold to bring home next week) – but we’ll see what hubs decides. He’s having second thoughts on the doggy option.


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