Weekly Winners – Awww, Sookie…

Mar 8, 2009 | Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

Okay, maybe I shouldn’t call it Aww Sookie because the name isn’t official yet…but who cares…It’s the front runner 😀

Today we went to the Humane Society to see about our dog. We had the choice of two beautiful little girls. The series of pictures are:
1. (left) Ethel Mae and Nellie sitting on my lap.
2. (middle) Ethel Mae and Nellie giving me wonderful puppy kisses (and bites)
3. (right) My angel baby puppy – the former Nellie – and future puppy of our home (quite possibly named Sookie)…isn’t she BEAUTIFUL?!?!?!?!

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We’ll pick her up to bring her home next weekend.  They won’t let her go until she’s had her girly parts removed.  She was just sweet and loving and curled on my lap most of the time.  She gave kisses and suckled on my finger and played a little bit.  Her sister was a bit more rambunctious 😀



  1. upto6only

    those puppies are cute 🙂

    upto6only´s last blog post..Weekly Winners, March 1-7

  2. Momisodes

    I am such a sucker for puppies. It is always so hard no taking ALL of them home. But that last shot of possibly Sookie? Has me in a puddle of goo.
    Those big, brown eyes!

    Momisodes´s last blog post..What I can’t have, you can

  3. DesignHER Momma

    i can smell her little puppy chow breath from here. I love me some young pup. So fun!

    DesignHER Momma´s last blog post..scribbled

  4. Sarah

    Her sister (and brothers) are still available in Brown County, Em 😉

    Speaking of which…we had to drive through Nashville to get there…and it was busy! First nice weekend and everyone comes out! Hope to go back for actual shopping in April sometime…wanna join?


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