The journey to CF (Part 1)

Mar 9, 2009 | All About Kennedy, Cystic Fibrosis


Two years ago right after Valentines Day was a rough time for our family.  Archie and I had separated – he was living with a friend.  I was just starting to experience life as a single mother to three children. It was for sure known that Riley was special needs – she’d been seeing a specialist for months for her FTT.  He’d said the words “Russell-Silver Syndrome”, and we were beginning to look into autism.  We had just recently started Angel in Early Intervention because of her muscle tone – although we didn’t know the depth of that yet.

The day after Valentines I posted on the mommy forums I visited asking when it was appropriate to call a doctor for a cough.  Angel had developed a cough, very light and dry – but it was becoming more barky.  My first two kids hadn’t ever had a cough, so I didn’t know what to do.

A few days later I took her in.  The ped said it wasn’t in her chest, and not to worry.  Three days later the cough was worse.  I took her back in and we started with regular breathing treatments (every 4 hours) using albuterol.

For a month we went on that way.  Breathing treatments, doctor’s appointments.  We tested for Whooping Cough – we treated for asthma…we had no idea what was making our previously happy baby so miserable and coughy…

After a month of coughing without explanation our pediatrician referred us to a pulmonologist.  If anyone could find the cause – it would be her.

To be continued….



  1. Barbara

    I’m glad you are lucid again, and hopefully healed from your injury.

    And, I’m glad I don’t have to read those famous vampire books, based on what you said.

    And, I’m glad you and Archie are together.

    And, I’m glad Riley was diagnosed so she can get correct treatment.

    Barbara´s last blog post..Gravity Matters



  1. Redefining Perfect » Blog Archive » The Journey to CF (Part 2) - [...] (Part 1 is here) [...]
  2. Redefining Perfect » Blog Archive » The Journey to CF (Part 3) - [...] (Part 1 is here)(Part 2 is here) [...]
  3. Redefining Perfect » Blog Archive » Where We Are… - [...] case you missed it, last year I posted about our journey to the CF diagnosis (Here: Part 1, Part…
  4. Yup. She’s a Mutant…or maybe just a Weirdo… | Redefining Perfect - [...] case you don’t remember, our Journey to CF (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) was not a clear, direct…

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