Weekly Winners – 6/7/09

Jun 7, 2009 | Weekly Winners

For the week of 6/1-6/7/09
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

I had a photo shoot with the girls, got some new pictures of the dog, and finally figured out how to take a good moon shot. A couple other random pictures thrown in…

[nggallery id=11]

And we had a recent bout of storms. I started to worry when I saw this forming – but it dissipated just as fast. I have it set to a slide show so you can watch the progression!

[slideshow id=13]

And that’s it! It’s good to be back. Took me long enough 😀 Hopefully I’ll keep with it this time!



  1. Momisodes

    Wow! I can only imagine seeing those skies in person. That slideshow is spectacular!

    Your girls are getting so big! And I love that moon shot.

    Momisodes´s last blog post..Fo’ shizzle my whiz-le


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