Bribery gets you…

Jun 9, 2009 | All About Kennedy, All About Molly


Up until now bribery has had no effect in our massive attempst to potty train.  They are not interested.  Well, they ARE interested in the prize. Riley asks me at least once a week about the tinkerbell hats.

But they aren’t interested in what it takes to GET those hats.

Today I threw in the towel.

I know they’re old enough.

I know that THEY know EXACTLY what they’re doing – they are just being stubborn.

I refuse to put diapers on them.  I’m done.

I’m going to be doing a LOT more laundry during this battle of wills.

I’m hoping that treating them like big girls will make them act as such.

Either that or I’ll end up in the funny farm.

Excuse me while I go have an aneurysm.



  1. Momisodes

    Ugh. Potty training is the worst! The daily battles paired with tantrums that come with that age were enough to make my head explode at times.

    Hang in there. Like you said, they’re smart. They know what they’re doing. For my daughter, it didn’t happen until she was good and ready…on her own.

    So stubborn!

    Momisodes´s last blog post..Sweet and sour

  2. PurpleAllison

    If I was a SAHM I’d be battling Sterling harder on the potty training. With his schedule as it is right now we’re letting him slide by with the pull-ups and wearing undies over them. But once summer hits and he’s only in the 1 daycare I’ll send in lots of changes of undies and pants to daycare to get him trained. I hope. I’m so tired of this battle too.

    Good luck.

  3. Leslie

    Is it warm enough where you are to let them outside in dresses bare butt??

    Then you don’t have to clean up the floors inside… and you could put a potty outside for when necessary??

    Let us know how it goes… i still have a year or so before I have to train mine, and am looking for any tips!! (A boy though… so the dress idea wouldn’t exactly work!!)


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