One more grab for the key…

Jun 26, 2009 | All About Kennedy


Six months ago I spoke of a chance
A chance that I was afraid to take.
Afraid of another disappointment,
Afraid to come up empty again.

It took me six months, but I took the leap at one more chance for answers. When we met with the pediatrician last week I asked her to make the appointment.  One last specialist, one last chance.

If this one doesn’t have the answers, I’ll have nothing left to grasp for.  The only other option is one we must discuss thoroughly because following that path could destroy the strong foundation we have created for her care.

In a few months we’ll go and see and hold our breath and pray for answers. Pray that this doctor has the key to our Angel’s past and future.



1 Comment

  1. Momisodes

    Oh Sarah, I can only imagine how much of a leap this is for you. I will surely keep your Angel in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping you all find some answers soon.

    Momisodes´s last blog post..Sometimes a little heat goes a long way


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