Inchworm, measuring the marigolds…

May 6, 2010 | All About Learning

Two and two are four, four and four are eight, eight and eight are sixteen, sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two…

Yesterday the girls and I found a friendly little visitor on our driveway.  So we kept him for a while before releasing him back into the wild.  May I introduce “Wormy”:




He was great to have around.  The girls adored him and still ask about him this morning!!

Of course that just means I have the song in my head…

Inchworm, inchworm, measuring the marigolds. You and your arithmetic you’ll probably go far. Inchworm, inchworm, measuring the marigold. Seems to me you’d stop and see how beautiful they are.

(P.S. I love this time of year.  I’m coming out of my funk, writing tons, and playing w/my girls.  Of course, my house continues to suffer, more so since we like to get OUT!!)

(P.P.S. All pictures taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi. SOC.)



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