There’s something to be said…

Jun 3, 2010 | Changing Tracks, writing tips

I once received the suggestion that I should print out my manuscript and hand edit it.  I don’t remember who said it, or why I rebuffed it – other than the obvious truth that my printer would likely scoff in my face.

Yesterday I did just that.

My printer did snort and protest. It ran out of black ink and 45 pages are printed in blue. One page had the top chewed up. It took an hour (slow printer).

But now my manuscript sits in front of me. Mocking me.

Last night I had to pick my mom up from the airport and while I waited in the cell lot for her to tell me she was ready, I read.  I made it twenty pages in and found quite a few items to mark and change (including a blatant typo that spell-check missed!).

I knew the ‘theory’ that reading it on paper was different then reading it on the screen you wrote it on. I didn’t believe it.

But there’s something to be said for it.  I hope to continue through the whole manuscript now this way. I’m going to be submitting my novel in two contests by the end of the month (hopefully, I need to come up with the entry fees first), and I want this to shine.  I hope between my beta and my own edits that will happen.

So I vote for putting your printer through its paces.  It really does read different on paper.



  1. Cheryl Malandrinos

    Even though I do most of my editing on the screen, I agree that you pick up more errors on paper. I don’t mind killing a few ink cartridges for as close to perfect as I can get.


  2. V.R. Leavitt

    I agree. Sometimes reading it aloud helps too for finding those funky little things that just don’t flow right.

  3. garrymgraves

    …I read somewhere that printing a version out in a different font also aids your editing. And, Vr, the suggestion of reading it aloud is good idea…there needs to be a rhythm to it and if a passage stumbles somewhat, it needs tending.



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