30 Days of Truth – Day 6

Sep 18, 2010 | All About Denver, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, Cystic Fibrosis

Day 06 – Something You Hope You Never Have To Do

My biggest fear day in and day out.

I hope I never, ever, have to bury one of my children.

I hope that Brandon, destined to drive in just a few years, finds and uses common sense. That he has the same instincts I did to never use drugs, to not drink until he’s older. That nothing happens to mar is bright future.

I hope that Riley far outlives and outshines me and her father.  That none of her issues cause her problems.  That she grows to be a proud and strong young woman.

Above all I hope for a cure.

That Angel never has to wait for a lung transplant to save her life.  That she doesn’t have to live her days hooked to machines that force breath into her failing lungs.  That they find a cure for even her unique a-typical form of this horrible disease.

I never want to bury ANY of my children.

Yet daily I wonder if I will have to.

I hope to the heavens that I won’t ever face that.



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