Just One (Flip Side W7)

Nov 9, 2010 | All About Me

Just one this week…so that’s my theme πŸ˜‰

Feeling Good
* Was feeling pretty this night. That’s pretty rare, so I snapped one.
Quick Shot

**** Β Head on over to check out who else is flipping out:



  1. Sarah @ Ordinary Days

    I just watched Robin Hood the other night and you look like you stepped straight out of the film. So pretty!

    • Sarah

      @Sarah @ Ordinary Days,

      Awwww *blush* You are too sweet. Thanks! Hate that it’s out of focus…and my mirror was filthy (probably why the pic was out of focus *lol*)…but still happy with the picture πŸ™‚

      I watched Robin Hood last week! It was exceedingly complex, but in the end very good. Really enjoyed it!!!

  2. Jen L.

    You have fantastic bone structure! Seriously. You’re adorable!

    • Sarah

      @Jen L.,

      *LOL* Feel like I’m watching ANTM with Tyra bragging on someones bone structure πŸ˜‰ Might have to start calling you Tyra now *G*

      But really, thanks Jen. I actually have a few posts coming up on appearance and self-image. If I ever get that written, that is.

  3. Kat



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