Sometimes a Mother’s Instinct SUCKS.

Nov 18, 2010 | All About Denver, Crap, Cystic Fibrosis

Yesterday I posted about it.  About the nerves I’d be living through today. About how our ‘perfect’ boy was so perfect that he faded into the background in the complication of our girls chaotic needs and schedules.

Until today when he got his sweat test done.

The test went smooth, he sweat like a champ. She told me the results would be faxed over to my Doc’s at which point I stopped and raised my eyebrows in surprise.  I asked why we wouldn’t have the call back number because our ped’s office closes at 4:30 (when the results are released).

The tech, who remembered us thanks to Angel’s seven sweat tests, said that when an outside doc confirms there is no phone call…it’s special to the pulmonology department. But, also because she knew us, she did us a favor…she put a note on to put his results into the system because she knew I’d worry after Angel.

We came home and the rest of the day I was pretty okay. Just a little anxious, but overall not bad.

Then Brandon walked in the door after school. 40 minutes before it was okay to call for the results.

The minute he walked in the door my heart twisted, leaping into my throat, pounding, shuddering.

I had forty minutes to wait.

Forty. Long. Minutes.

But I already knew.

But I tried to cling to hope.

Promptly at 4:30 I dialed the number. I entered his patient number.  I prayed.  I hoped.

“Please call our office at…”

I burst into tears.

I know that system well.  If your results are negative, they say NEGATIVE.  They don’t tell you to call.

After several minutes of panic I called the pediatricians office and in HUGE relief someone answered. I asked if they’d received the fax.  The nurse got on the line, telling me that my ped was out of the office until Monday….BUT, since we’d already been through it with Angel, she told me the basic results.

On the CF scale, for sweat chloride levels, the “negative” numbers are 0-39PPM.

Brandon’s levels read at 42.

Low…but in the positive range.

Our regular pediatricians partner called me to fill me in further.

They aren’t calling it CF – because they can’t. With numbers that low we have to re-run the test (much to Brandon’s disappointment, the electrical current really bothered/stung him).

But we’re getting an appointment with Angel’s Pulmonologist.

There will be more tests.

Nothing is officially official.

But ‘Redefining Perfect’ just got even more complicated.



  1. Rachael

    I’m so sorry. I know it’s not the result you were hoping for. At least you know where to go from here somewhat. (Hugs)

  2. heather

    So sorry to hear those results. {Hugs}

  3. Eileen Dalla

    I’m so sorry you have to go through this again. I could say I know just how you are feeling, but I don’t. I never had to deal with anything like this with even one of my children let alone three of them, but I can empathize with your pain and tell you, you are not alone. There are a lot of us out here standing with you ready to give you our love and support. Know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers in the days to come.

  4. Burgh Baby

    Thinking of you and yours.

  5. V.R. Leavitt

    I’m sorry the results didn’t turn out how you’d hoped. 🙁



  1. Where We Are | Redefining Perfect - [...] One had to face more testing, more questions on whether or not the CF was something he would claim…

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