Sometimes it’s easy to ignore it all. To push aside the stress, the fear, the worry.
“The appointment is a month away,” you tell yourself. You think there’s no point in stressing now.
After all there’s not a damn thing you can do.
And things go smooth. You almost forget.
Then the moment happens.
Out of the blue you remember what you tried to forget. A reminder phone call for an appointment. A simple glance at the calendar.
And all the fear and stress you’ve shoved aside checks you into the boards rougher than any hockey player.
One week from today there are two big doctor’s appointments. Both on the same day. Both with the same doctor.
Angel will have her functions checked again. If she doesn’t bring her numbers up, our Christmas may be spent in the hospital. We will also be discussing having a full genotype run on her to determine her exact CF gene combo (as the original bloodwork did not turn up her genomes in the ‘standard’ for CF).
Brandon is also meeting the pulmonologist for the first time. He will have another sweat chloride test run (if Angel’s evolution is any indication 2+ tests = diagnosis). He will have blood work run (possibly a genotype for him as well). The doc will discuss his history and determine what other testing he needs.
I don’t know what’s going to happen.
I try to focus instead on keeping insanely busy for the holidays.
Then it hits.
One week from this minute I may have 2 CF kids instead of 1.
Or not.
I may be trying to figure out if the genotypes will be covered by insurance and if not, how to afford them.
There’s a lot of unknowns. I hate unknowns.
I don’t know how to help a grown child that’s always been healthy come to grips with a CF diagnosis.
Angel, well, she’s growing up with it…it’s already normal for her. Brandon grew up without major issues.
I don’t want to jump the gun…
But I can’t erase the fear.
I hope you get some good news from the doctors. I’m keeping you all in my thoughts.
Best wishes for a joyous Christmas.
If I counted right then tomorrow will be the dreaded day… I will keep my fingers crossed for you and your kids that things won’t be as bad as feared. (((HUGS)))
Kruemi, you are correct. Tomorrow morning are the appointments. Thanks for thinking of us. I’ll make sure to email you if/when I know something.