Bacon is evil.

Feb 9, 2011 | Crap, Random

I’d call this Wordless Wednesday, but I don’t participate and really…me? No words? IMPOSSIBLE.

Now, before I get down to it, I have two quick notes to make.

1) In case you missed it, I have a writing blog. While I don’t normally direct traffic there, I wrote a post the other day that is just made of smiles.  I want everyone to read it.  So go there now and read TOUGH LOVE.

2) A very dear, very very good friend of mine has opened a blog.  She’s just finding her footing, so she needs some love.  Please stop on by her blog and leave her a comment.  She has the best blog name ever: USING MY OUTSIDE VOICE.

I was making dinner for the family.  Trying to create a wonderful meal for us all to sit down and eat.

Out of nowhere I was attacked.  Senseless violence.  The bacon built up a well of grease and out of nowhere hurled it at my face.





*I can firmly attest that my husband will not agree with my statement.

**I can admit that while it is EVIL…it still tastes darn good…I totally ate the carcass of the bastard after it attacked me.




  1. Katy Greenbauer

    I think you need to put ice (cream) on that STAT!

    • Sarah

      @Katy Greenbauer,

      LOL! What an EXCELLENT idea, Katy!! I’m definitely going to get on that 😀

  2. Rachael

    WTF bacon?! How can you be so delicious, yet so dangerous?

  3. Tara R.

    Ouch! Evil meat!

  4. Archie

    Bacon is quite possibly the most perfect food ever. Therefore it would be erroneous and damaging to call it evil. Maybe the bacon wanted to say “hi!”, and it did with the only way it knew how. I save the name of evil in relation to food for things like pickled beets and potted meat.

  5. Jessi

    Evil evil bacon. It got what it deserved then by you guys eating it.

    Thank you for the love <3 I wouldn't be trying to get my footing again if it wasn't for you. I would have give up all together.


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