Weekly Winners – Meltdown Edition

Feb 20, 2011 | Photography, Weekly Winners


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi.

The world around us faced a meltdown this week. In the middle of it the little one & I took a walk and just relaxed for the week.

Not All Gone
Not all gone

*Just sitting in the snow. How? Why? I’ve got no idea.

Ready to Explore
Ready to Explore

Fractured Reminder
Fractured Reminders>

First Cautious Step
First Cautious Step

Simple Joy
Simple Joy


Flying Proud
Flying Proud

The Blue Door
The Blue Door

Pointed Reflection
Pointed Reflection

See more of my favorite photos over at my flickr account.

That’s all for this week. Head on over to Lotus‘ digs to see more!!



  1. Mishi

    I love ballet shoes in pictures! They beg for a series of their own!

    • Sarah


      I do too, Mishi!! I hope to do a series w/ ballet shoes once I get a pair that fits me properly. These are just a little bit small now, which makes them difficult to wear in many situations. Once I get this pair of shoes sold, I’ll bet getting another pair that fits and hopefully the series will happen 😀 I just love point shoes (all dance shoes, really)

  2. linda

    agree! the ballet shoe is awesome!

    • Sarah


      Thanks Linda!! I love them 😀

  3. Sarah

    The ballet shoe reflection is SO amazing 🙂
    Great shots!

  4. Denise

    What beautiful shots! They’re all fabulous… but I do think you picked the perfect one to end the post with. Love these shots, but I think that’s my favorite.

  5. Rachael

    I LOVE feet in ballet slippers. There is something so elegant and beautiful about the shape. I’m looking forward to seeing more!

  6. Donna

    In the ready to explore photo I see one of those prickly balls in your little lady’s hand. I have those all over my front yard. My poor dog has to side step them all when he looks for a potty spot. I really need to rake those up which is such a chore! I ejoyed the walk series. Great job!

  7. stacy (the aunt with gum)

    Nice sampling this week! Like the others, I love the ballet shot but I also think the “thoughtful”/pink sunglasses shot is so adorable!

  8. Tara R.

    You need to watch out for those spontaneous melons.

    The en pointe shot is beautiful, with the reflection in the wood… nicely captured.

  9. Laura

    These are lovely! I cant believe how cold it still is there!!!!


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