In the land of Nod…

Mar 2, 2011 | All About Me, Random

I am not here.

For the first time in almost six month I have been kidnapped by my characters and have turned into a writing fool.  Soon as I recovered from the illness that had me dreaming of horny hippies and House, M.D….I was lost. Much has happened, not much has happened.  I have things to post about, but this blog is one of the things being neglected.

In good news, my 3 book series is almost complete, perhaps by the end of the week.

In better news…that leaves you with a random bullet-list for today for a quick catch up. It’s what you always wanted, right?


* As you can see above I got my lovely new (to me a ‘refurb’) XS camera….the battery grip I’ve been craving…and the 50mm I’ve been dying for.

* All 3 have been sorely neglected. Soon as I got them I got sick. And then kidnapped. I need more practice time w/ my lens before I feel capable with it. Not to mention the camera. Hopefully soon I’ll be allowed respite from words for pictures.

* Report cards came in. Surprisingly good….some not-so-surprisingly not-so-goods…more on that later. All in all, though…we are very proud of our two schoolies.

* I’m still not happy about last weeks doctors appointment. I will be able to more fully explain once I have more fully digested it all.

* I started pilates last week. I loved it. The next morning I still loved it. I was achey…a wee bit sore in the right spots…but Im terrified to go tonight. Why? Well…right after loving it, I ended up having that flu-thing hit me hard.  All that tightness/sore from the exercises felt about a million times worse. It makes tonight a little nervewracking – even though it wasn’t the pilates fault.

* In a strange twist of fate, being sick has helped me make great strides in my wish to stop drnking so much pop. Even though it never “made me ill”, I didn’t drink a drop of my usual while I was sick. By the time I DID drink some to help curb the incredible headache (partly caused by caffeine withdrawal)…it just didn’t taste the same. Even now, fully healed, it’s just…eh.  I’m drinking a lot more water.

* I’m really happy the weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer. I just wish it didn’t mean that my crawl space was flooded…for the third year in a row. The past three years have been so BAD for flooding. Our previously never-been-wet crawl space is now going to get a sump pump put in. *sigh*

* Still don’t have my teeth fixed. Had appts scheduled both last week and this week.  Sickness in the household prevented me from making those. Hoping to get in first thing next week. I need to get the second estimate so we can make plans.  Oy. Hate dentists. They charge INSANE amounts. Not fair.

Time to hush. Shower. Feed the little one. Get back to the keyboard and get writing. See you on the flip side!



  1. Tara R.

    Very pretty camera. I look forward to seeing your photos.

    • Sarah

      @Tara R.,

      Thanks Tara, I LOVE it. I look forward to getting a break to use it.


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