Weekly Winners – Zoobilee Edition

Mar 20, 2011 | Photography, Weekly Winners


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

The return of warm weather has given me more opportunity for pictures. Not constant, but a few good days. Angel & I got out of the house a few times this week. One of them was a long awaited trip to the zoo. I bought us a year pass a couple weeks ago and have waited for a great chance to go. So this week has many of those, and a few others that I managed to grab during the week.





Nice Rack
Nice Rack


Mirrored Loungers
Mirrored Lounging

Wrinkled Cankles
Wrinkled Cankles


Basking Seal

It was also the first day of the orchid show at the Gardens attached to our zoo. I snagged a few photos on a very quick run through it during the short time we had left. I plan on returning in another week or so w/ the kids during spring break. Brandon wants to practice playing with my old camera by getting some pictures there!


Cascade of White
Cascade of White


I stumbled upon this at my local Half Price Books. It is special for many reasons to me…namely the condition it’s in (further explained by the next picture which shows how old it is), and the fact that the book seems like it is custom made for the main character in my novels, who would have been alive to purchase it brand new.

First Edition
Look at how gorgeous & white the paper still is. And yes, that does say 1883. I may have found a new addiction…old, gorgeous, first editions…*le sigh*.
First Edition

This week I definitely have to send you to see more zoo pictures over at my  flickr account. I had SUCH a hard time picking pictures this week, there are tons more over there!!

That’s all for this week. Head on over to Lotus‘ digs to see more!!



  1. Tara R.

    I still love going to the zoo. You captured some great shots. Love leaped, wonderful stop-action.

    • Sarah

      @Tara R.,

      LOL I got quite a few great stop actions of those two lemurs. They were having quite a blast chasing each other around!!

      I love the zoo, too. Ours isn’t the greatest in the world, but we still hae fun 😀

  2. Mishi

    The ellie’s legs are my FAVE!!! I love ellies!!

    • Sarah


      Well his legs and his ears were really all I could get because as I was taking pictures he was…relieving himself. LOL So I’m glad you like the legs!! *G*

  3. Rachel

    I love that book! What a treasured find!

    We did the zoo this week, too! Your pictures are spectacular! I love the elephant leg and the lemurs!

    • Sarah


      It was a great week for the zoo!! Looks like both you and I took our own little monkeys to the zoo and they both got climb-happy. *LOL* I bet my trip was just a wee bit colder than yours, though 😀

      All the animals (outside the nocturnal ones) were really busy and excitable that day. I was so happy. The last time I went to the zoo they were all lazy. 🙂

  4. Sarah

    The lemur shots are just AMAZING! As well are all the rest! Just gorgeous!

    • Sarah


      Thanks! I loved the lemurs…they were so busy and active. I got quite a few stop-action shots like that and every one just made me giddy (they’re over on flickr). So much fun we had on Friday 😀

  5. Missy Wiggins

    Great shots! Makes me want to visit our local zoo soon and do the same 🙂

    • Sarah

      @Missy Wiggins,

      You should visit your zoo!! We had so much fun, there was so many photo ops! I can’t wait to go again next week.

  6. Lucy @ I'm Lucy

    Love the Elephant’s leg and the seal. Now I need to pack the kids in the car to head off to the zoo.

  7. Karen of 3G2S

    I love the photos of the animals, especially the lions and the elephant. The seal in the water is amazing as well!

  8. Denise

    Now I want to go to the zoo.

    These are wonderful!!! Love those lemurs… and the orchids… WOW!!

  9. stacy (the aunt with gum)

    omg. such a great set! the focus on the Huddle is excellent – it think that one’s my fave of the group 🙂

  10. Ladynred

    Great shots of the animals. I love going to the zoo! I love the orchids too!

  11. Rachael

    Love the antler and the orchids are gorgeous!


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