Weekly Winners – Random Edition

Apr 3, 2011 | Photography, Weekly Winners


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

My computer went kapoot & so my blog was neglected, as was my photo editing. So this week I have a little mix of here and there things I did when w/o my computer. Celebrations, storms, and more Cheetahs…

Another Year
* Dad’s bday was a couple weeks ago. My favorite picture of him that day
Another Year


Storm Front
*I just loved the way the sunlight made the trees white against the dark sky.
Storm Front

Ray of Light
Ray of Light

Dressed for Success
Dressed for Success

Honor Bound
Honor Bound

*National Junior Honor Society. We are all so very proud of him!


You look…Yummmmm….
*On this trip to the zoo, the Cheetahs were more active…walking right past the glass where we were watching. This was a fast snap I captured…but I loved the flash of tongue and the focused gaze.
You look...Yummmm

You can find more pictures over at my flickr account.

That’s all for this week. Head on over to Lotus‘ digs to see more!!



  1. Tara R.

    The storm and rainbow shots are fabulous! I love the dark sky behind the sunlit trees… stunning.

    Congrats to your son! What a great honor.

    • Sarah

      @Tara R.,

      I absolutely was in love with every view of this storm against the trees when the sun was at my back. It was amazing…I was thrilled to be able to get a good capture of it!

      🙂 We’re very proud of Brandon…he’s our big smart boy!

  2. Rachel - A Southern Fairytale

    I love the whole series. There’s something so peaceful about most of them.
    I love the angle on the ‘support’

    • Sarah

      @Rachel – A Southern Fairytale,

      Thanks, Rachel. I took a decent amount of pictures, but these were the standouts…usually I can find a theme, this week it just didn’t happen *lol*

  3. Karen of 3G2S

    What a beautiful rainbow! We hardly ever see any around here.

  4. Kat

    LOVE ‘support’ and ‘ray of light’. Such great captures. And congrats for NHS. Such an accomplishment 🙂

  5. Terrie

    i love this set! the ones of the sky are great.

  6. tara on the wander

    the storm shot is stunning! congrats to your national jr. honor society student!

  7. Rachael

    I love storm front, and the profile picture of the cheetah is awesome!

  8. Denise

    ALL of these are wonderful! I seriously can’t even begin to pick a favorite.

    Congrats to your son!!


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