I Wore My Cute Shoes

Apr 18, 2011 | Crap, Random

Oh, hai…I have a blog?  Well gee…time to pull my head out of the clouds and use it, I suppose.  There are birthdays this week, and so much other stuff going on that in my first post in a couple weeks you’re stuck with random bits & pieces…

* I had major dental work done last week. This TERRIFIED me. To waylay that I got some GREAT drugs (Hello, Valium…you handsome sonofabitch), had them knock me out…and wore my CUTE new shoes *points to the left* Outside of a couple of bad points (sorry again for yelling at you, dearest husband)…it went smooth. I go in on Wednesday for a crown.

* Hubs & I got to sit in line for 10 minutes at the car wash while an idiot in a stretch SUV limo tried to get his limo through the carwash. Someone that stupid should not be given a license.  Seriously. (In case you’re wondering, he did eventually succeed after nearly driving off down into the gully. Makes him no less an idiot)

* The kids also had a dentist appointment.  No cavities, just some janked up teeth…thank you genetics for passing on my crazy buck-tooth issues to 2 of my kids.

* In HAPPY news…it looks like I get to see my BFF again in a couple of months.  In even happier news…this should occur right around my birthday.  This?  Gives me giddy giggles…and is sending Archie running over to our neighbor Moe’s…where he’s threatened to sleep the entire time our tiny little house has several more occupants 😀

* I managed to snag the AMAZING defunct HBO series Deadwood on Blu-Ray for less than $100…and we have been re-watching it slowly, savoring each episode.  I am deeply ashamed of HBO for many things (see also: True Blood massacring a great book series)…but cancelling this show?  Was a STUPID move.  Shame on you, HBO…SHAME.

* Thanks to the aforementioned CUTE shoes…I think I may be becoming a tiny bit of a shoe addict.  This is not necessarily a good thing…I want to go shopping and find more more more…we have neither the room or money for such an action.

* Ooooh, my time on the wait list is over!!  Very soon I’ll be meeting with the artist to design my tattoo.  I should also have that by my birthday.  It’s my birthday & mother’s day gift all wrapped in one painful, but pretty, bow.  In other news – Archie still doesn’t think I can handle the pain.  I admit to fear, but I want it…have since I was 18…I just only now figured out what it is I want 😀

* Brandon handled the news of his diagnosis well.  He is running track now and it hasn’t altered his life at all.  We meet with the pulmonologist next month to get down to the nitty gritty of what he’s going to have to do, and new drugs and assorted stuffs.

* I registered Angel for kindergarten.  This has made me very sad.  She’s my baby…and she’ll be going to kindergarten in a few months.  So not right.

* And on that note – school ends in a month. May 27 we are all done.  Not ready for summer!!!

Okay, I’m sure I could go on…but that’s it for now…so many things to do.



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