When Is Enough Enough?

May 21, 2011 | All About Kennedy, All About Molly, Crap, Special Needs

We have no lingering baby toys.

They broke them all.

Toddler toys?

The same.

Toys that were mine as a child, passed on to Brandon, and then the girls…

Now in the local landfill…destroyed in little pieces.

Close playtime and giggling.

Always dissolving into tears and screaming.

Hand made curtains, lovingly sewn and hung.

Ripped off the wall, the rod broken.

The girls have always been more destructive.

Their room is a barren waste-land of decorating because they can’t be trusted w/ a dresser, much less finer details like lamps, pictures, or even hangers.

They are five and six now.

And as they sit here in extended time out for their latest run of torture, mayhem and destruction.  We are left wondering.

When it is time to say “Enough is Enough”?

Is it sensory issues?  Is it rotten kids? Bad parenting?

Did we go wrong somewhere?



1 Comment

  1. Rachael

    I wish I had any idea what to say, but I just want to give you a big hug.


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