Weekly Winners – Taking Great Strides Edition

May 22, 2011 | All About Denver, All About Kennedy, Cystic Fibrosis, Photography, Weekly Winners


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

Today we walked in the Great Strides walk to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation…All of my pictures today are from and in honor of the walk. We’re still accepting donations, so if you have even a spare dollar to help us find a cure, click my button over there. Even though CFF is getting closer to a cure every year, even today we had a moment of silence in honor of a 17 year old that had lost her battle with the disease just last week.

Purple for the Cure
Purple for a Cure

Ready to Walk
Ready to Walk


Twisting to Throw
Twisting to Throw

Bracelets of Hope
Bracelets of Hope

Blow it Away
Blow it Away

Walking for a Cure
Walking for a Cure

Sunglasses Please
Sunglasses Please

Sprinting Ahead
In my small little team, the two that were my CF babies decided to race on ahead of the rest of us…and literally ran right out of sight.
Sprinting Ahead


You can find more pictures over at my flickr account.


That’s all for this week. Head on over to Lotus‘ digs to see more!!




  1. carol anne

    I love the hands photo. It should also be noted that I love the nail polish on said hands 🙂

    • Sarah

      @carol anne,

      Thanks 🙂 I love the nail polish too…purple is ALWAYS good 😀

  2. Carrie

    great shots! that girl in the blue shirt is just a doll! those eyes!!

    • Sarah


      Thanks! That’s my Riley…her eyes are definitely one of her most amazing features 😀

  3. Tara R.

    Love the purple nails, sassy! Looks like the walk was a success for everyone.

    • Sarah

      @Tara R.,

      😀 Purple is awesome. So much fun to play with colors…

      The walk was a great success! We just got word yesterday that the final numbers for the teams there is going to be over $70,000!! So exciting!

      • Brandon Cass

        That’s a lot of money. I hope the other walks were just as successful and fun for the participents! Thank you if you donated or walked.:)

  4. Denise

    LOVE that first shot. Powerful image of everyone joined for a cause. Fantastic!

    • Sarah


      Oh, thanks so much Denise! That was the look I was going for…I’m glad it came across 😀


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