It’s a Will Smith Song…or summertime…or something…

May 28, 2011 | Crap, Random

The school bells rang for the last time on Thursday.

The race is this weekend.

Graduation parties spring up all around town.

Garage sales are starting to post their signs.

The Farmers Market is calling my name.

We are starting to have more warm(ish) days than cold(er than a polar bear’s toenails).

Brandon is B-O-R-E-D.

Yup. It’s summertime.



1 Comment

  1. Tara R.

    How long did it take for one of the kids to say they were bored after school was over? I at least got a weekend, then on Monday…. blerg. I have a mile-long ‘honey-do’ list I could use some help with that even my bored teen doesn’t want to do.

    Hope you all have a great summer!


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