The Moxie of One

Jul 4, 2011 | All About Molly

[flickr id=”5885701216″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”] Let us live for the beauty of our own reality. ~Charles Lamb


Standing outside, wanting to get in.

Pure of heart.

Sharpest mind I’ve ever seen.

He alone is an acute observer, who can observe minutely without being observed. ~Johann Kaspar Lavater

Seeing the world differently.

Looking in gives unique perspective.

Knowing before she can express her knowledge.

Missing nothing.

Ignorance is bold and knowledge reserved. ~Thucydides

She doesn’t love on sight.

Affection is withheld.

Until you are in.


On her terms she lets you in.

And once she hugs you.

Holds you tight and kisses you.

Places her trust in her knowledge of you.

There is no better hug.

No fiercer love.

No brighter star.



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