Sometimes it’s the little things that seem so big

Jul 28, 2011 | All About Molly, Autism, Special Needs, WTF?

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Since halfway through Kindergarten Riley has been an avid reader. Fervent. Excited. Searching. Learning. Teaching.

She taught her sister to read.

She devoured so many books.

Books are one of her distinct and clear joys.

So last night it was a shock.

A horror.


Hearing a noise from the girls room, I went into their room.

Riley was lying in bed calm as can be…

Ripping apart her books.

Five of them.


All the pages strewn across the floor.

When we asked her why she said that she was happy.

She was happy.

So she ripped up her books.

Then it was pure horror when she realized she was not going to be able to read them ever again.

To top that off she’s beating up her sister again.


There are scratches all over my Angel’s back, shoulders and HEAD.

We are concerned.

Because she ripped books.

But its a flag.

And we are concerned.



  1. designhermomma

    ugh, I don’t know what to tell you about the destruction. But, there is just something special about the photo that you captured. I don’t know what it is, the lighting, the way she is sitting, the toys all around her, I don’t know! But I love it so much…

    • Sarah


      LOL. I love the fact that there are toys all around and she’s reading over all of it. Thanks 😀 It’s really a great photo.

      Yeah…we’re at a loss w/ the destruction. *sigh*

  2. Rachael

    This brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sorry this flag had to come around for your sweet girl. I wish I knew what to say, you just deserve a big hug for everything going on these past six months.

  3. Tara R.

    I’m sorry this is happening. I hope you all can figure out what’s going on with Riley.

    (That photo is truly stunning.)


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