She Gets In…

Nov 21, 2011 | All About Home, All of Us, Crap, Photography, Random

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Where no other can tread.

The one dog allowed in this house – because we know she will be leaving us.

This time she’s here for two weeks.

My dad better make darn sure he comes when the kids are at school.

Riley will be a WRECK when she leaves.

For now, she’s a welcome part of the family.

& we know that we’re loved back.

I mean – for a dog…farts are a sign of love, right?

I’m saying it is…& if the stench in this house is any indication, this dog is NUTS about us!



  1. Tara R.

    Such a sweet face. Dog farts are definitely signs of true love.

    • Sarah

      @Tara R.,

      I absolutely love her face and eyes…she’s a beautiful dog and so very loving 🙂

      LOL. Yup…Dog farts are so full of love.


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