[flickr id=”5888961016″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]We have had birthday parties, track meets, doctor appointments and chaos the past few days. While I try to get my head on straight (and work on the blog redesign ~cough~) I’m going to have a little fun with some random subjects of note.

* Thank you for all of your well-wishes for Erik.  The doctor appointment went really well.  While he does have to go back next year for another endoscopy, the doctor isn’t overly concerned with the findings.  As far as Erik’s continuing symptoms we are on a “Try a little of this…then try a little of that” program.  We’re hoping to find something that works and eases his symptoms.

* Yesterday I finished the (final) self-edits on my novel ~insert cheering and mad boogie dancing on my part~. That means I will begin work on the site redesign pretty hard-core in the next couple of weeks. I plan on a new round of submissions and I want this site to shine by then.  The first changes I make will be mostly cosmetic changes.  After that I’ll be working on more functional changes, but they’ll happen once the feel of the site has been updated.

* Teaching a teenager accountability and empathy is HARD ~insert whining here~.

* My Kennedy has proven finally that she comes from the husbands blood line  She may look just like me…but lately she has been obsessed with cleaning.  That is SO not me.

* We had the girls family birthday party yesterday. They got so many cute clothes…I’m so jealous!  My SIL and MIL got them a ton of new little outfits – and then both my Mom and SIL on my side got them clothes too. We have full closets and the girls cannot WAIT for the warm weather to come back so they can start wearing the skirts upon skirts that they got.

* Hubby bought an elliptical.  I hate the elliptical…but having it sit in my little house, I actually use it because I feel crappy if it just takes up all that room for nothing.  Between that and my continuing love/hate relationship w/ Jillian Michaels & her exercise DVD’s I may just start feeling good about myself again. Maybe.

* I swear, I will be talking about the Bloggy Boot Camp experience soon, after all it is a 45X45 item…but between my straight focus on my novel the past week & the fact that I’m still trying to process everything that went on that day, it’s been relegated to a “Very soon” post.  Hopefully before the end of the week.

* I have a new job application sitting in my kitchen.  It’s a job I’m certain I’ll be able to get (I’m super friendly w/ the managers at this place).  It’s just a matter of “Can I” and “Should I”.  This time I have to very carefully weigh all of the factors and not forget one like I did last year when I tried to work.  I have some new factors to consider this time around, ones that may seal the deal.

*Speaking of jobs, I also have a chance at another possible opportunity.  It’s something that I have to write up a proposal for and see where it goes.  It would be helping out someone local and that really excites me. I just need to sit down and write…especially since that’s part of what I’ll be doing for her…writing. LOL.

* Did I mention that raising teenagers is HARD??  ~headdesk~



  1. Katie

    I love the new look! Pretty, but not too pretty. 🙂

    • Sarah

      Thanks, Katie! I was going for something simple, but pretty…something that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to call a professional site for my writing 🙂


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