Open Letters

May 26, 2012 | Crap, Random, WTF?

[flickr id=”5980080364″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”] To the Person that Stole my Phone,

Shame on you.  You were ten feet from a customer service desk and couldn’t see fit to turn it in once you realized you couldn’t get into it without my passcode?  Instead of answering a call, you turn it off?  What did you do with it?

Karma is a bitch, and apparently so are you (Since it was lost in the women’s room i think that’s accurate).

Shame on you. Do the right thing, jerk.

~The True Owner of the Phone You Stole



To the Woman at Wal-Mart today,

Thank you, for cutting in front of a line of five people under the guise of it being “two lines”.  It wasn’t.

Thank you, for ignoring the person behind me saying loudly, “There is only one line in the self-checkout area”.

You are not priviliged.  You’re just a jerk.

~Everyone you cut in a busy Wal-Mart (I’m seriously surprised someone didn’t really yell at you, guess you got lucky people were in a better mood than they usually are at that Wal-Mart)



To our waiter Sam from last night’s dinner at Houlihan’s,

Thank you.

Just thank you for existing. You made our night.

~The Mom Bloggers of Indy



To my Black Leather Seats,

Oh, how I loved you as a selling point in our new car. Your excellent condition lent a plush air to the car that is far older than it seems. When I was wearing jeans and the weather was cooler, I loved you so.

I think we are going to have to have a trial separation, though.  My shorts-clad legs don’t like being burned and then getting stuck. For the next few months I think we’ll need to be separated by a towel.

Don’t worry, I’ll come back to you when the weather is cool again…and you will be my best friend in the winter when I can turn on the seat heater and get all cozy.

~<3 Me



To Road Rage Guy,

I know Road Rage is a bad thing, but since it wasn’t directed at me, I must say your revenge to the woman that cut you off and nearly dinged your $50k car was SAH-WEET. I was laughing all the way back to my house.

~An Amused Driver that almost was the one she cut off.





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