We’ve been discussing the dog idea again. Finding one that needs rescued, that needs a good home, that has an established personality that we can mesh into our family.
Not a puppy.
Not a big dog (but likely not a small one either).
Right now it’s still an idea. We have things that need done before we can think about the cost of caring for a dog.
While we continue to deliberate and weigh our decision.
We get a visitor.
My parents dog, sweet thing that she is.
We’re often her sitter.
And she always melts into the family seamlessly.
It’s a joy having her.
And we are going to soak up every moment of the next two weeks.
Maybe our decision will be made.
Ahem. 😉
LOL. Trust me, if it was up to me we’d have had a dog two months ago. The husband needs to ease into the idea. Hoping having this one here is going to finish swaying him my way 🙂 😉