In a house of girls, many favorites pass through these halls.
Stuffed animals galore go from favorite, to well worn, to out the door.
One of the oldest and still most cherished are two identical animals.
So old, the glitter that once adorned them is worn off.
The fuzzies are no longer fuzzy.
The ‘hair’. is matted and ripped off, and what’s left is knotted.
But in this house, these animals aren’t called unicorns.
Oh no.
It’s the unigoat.

This reminds me of these two stuffed dogs my sister and I bought when we visited Montreal. One was brown with white ears. I think his name was Buddy. The other was orange with brown ears. I can’t remember his name though.
We kept those things for sooo long. Your description of the aging process was perfect. I can remember my mother having to sew parts of them back on. We’d always pretend they were in minor surgery.
After a while they are pretty much like part of the family. I’m sure your unigoats are the same way.
Yes, Kieron, the unigoats are very much like part of the family. Still well-loved and still well-played-with. I think they’re going to be with us for several more years 🙂
Thank you for stopping by!