An Interview (or Something) – Ace, Val & John of Ace’s Wild

Apr 10, 2013 | Character Interview, Guest Authors, Writing

Today I’m super thrilled to have someone I considered a good friend, and an excellent critique partner, stopping by.  I’ve known her for a year now and am so excited that her debut novel (which I had the honor of critiquing) is out in the world. Part romance, part urban fantasy, part laugh-your-ass-off funny…Fiona Druce delivers a story with snark and sass.  I asked her to stop by with a few characters for an interview and well…she tried…

1.  Tell us a little about yourself. How did you come to your author’s attention? Occupation?

ACE: I fell on the ground. No joke. There I was, stacking books, and I fell over. I guess the commotion caught her eye or something… especially since she started the book with that very scene. *evil glare at Fiona* I own the bookstore, actually. I sell all kinds of unique books, antique books and books that fall under other adjectives that also end in “–que”.

VAL: *clears his throat and rubs his hand on Ace’s arm* My turn? Well. I came to Fiona’s attention only moments later when Ace fell on me. She had no idea who I was until I’d introduced myself. Fiona was quite excited. Ace? Not as much. *sighs* As for occupation, I’m a King.

JOHN:  *shoulders his way past Val to stand in the front* I knocked Thane to the ground. And Irving. And Val. *he flexes, a satisfied smile curling up the corners of his lips* I’m sure my little girl spoke of me, but Fiona didn’t really notice me until I’d hit people. Which is fine. *he glares at Val* I have a lot more where that came from, too.

VAL: *sighs* Must we, John?

JOHN: *narrows his eyes, a low grumble in in his chest*

ACE: *whines* Really? Right now? If ya’ll don’t stop, I’m telling Mama. *stands akimbo*

2.  What or who is the greatest love of your life? Why? What drew you to them?

ACE: *whacks Val on the forearm* This guy because he’s so cute when he’s ready to impale someone with his thumb-sized dragon teeth. And I would have to say it was gravity that drew me to him. I did fall on him, after all. Twice–No… it might have been three times… *purses her lips and squeezes an eye shut, trying to remember*

VAL: *says nothing, still smiling at John*

JOHN: *says nothing, still glaring at Val*

ACE: *nudges Val* Psst. That was your cue to earn brownie points.

VAL: *continues to glare at John*

ACE: *harumphs and slams her arms across her chest to sulk*

3.  What’s your greatest fear?

ACE: The next few months…

VAL: *shoots a look of indignant disbelief at Ace*

JOHN: *mumbles something that includes words like acreage and shotgun*

4.  What’s your motto in life?


VAL: *smirks at John* A man is only as good as his virility.

JOHN: *sputters* *slams his fist into Val’s jaw*

ACE: *her shoulders sink and she stares at the interviewer* Do you see what I have to put up with?

*Val chuckles at John, who throws another punch. Val dodges it with a snakelike jerk of his head.*

5.  How do the other characters in your book view you?

ACE: Usually from above. I’m pretty short.

VAL & JOHN: *eye each other, John with painful intent, and Val with a self-satisfied grin.*

6. What do you prefer? To spread & hear gossip, or be the creator of gossip fodder?

ACE: I’m a Southern girl. So… Yes, I suppose. All of the above.

VAL & JOHN: *silent*

7.  What is it about you that is going to draw us readers in?

ACE: We’re a…er…motley crew of…er…

VAL: *pinches Ace’s backend *

JOHN: “Get your hands off my baby girl!”

ACE: *yelps* “Sorry, what was I saying…?”

8.  What was your happiest moment?

ACE: *Stands in front of them, ignoring the entire situation* “Can I answer that another time, perhaps? You know… when… er… certain people aren’t present?”

FIONA: “You mean your dad?”

ACE: *shakes her head covertly and whispers* “Val.”


VAL: *his brow shoots up, the only sign of his indignant glower*

JOHN: *leans back and lets out a howl of laughter*

9.  What trait in others do you find most deplorable?

ACE: Pr–

JOHN: Being that guy. *punches at Val*

VAL: *dodges the punch* “Come, now…can’t we just get along?”

FIONA: *winces at the antics of the men* Sorry, Ace.

ACE: *glowers at Fiona but says nothing, then glares at Val* “Quit antagonizing my father! I expected better of you!”

VAL: “Love, it’s just a game…”

ACE: *snorts* “A game where the winner gets to sleep on the couch.” *she harumphs and then spins around to leave, throwing a last comment over her shoulder*. “As does the loser.”

JOHN: *turns to Val* “See what you did!”

VAL: *rolls his eyes* “Ace…” *follows her out*

JOHN: *follows them out*

FIONA: …Sooo… *clears her throat and looks around. Nope. She’s all by herself* Er…I like blue. *grimaces, but it might be an attempt at a smile*


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More snarky-than-sweet Southern girl Acacia “Ace” Stanning has never been anyone’s ideal anything. Not for a lack of trying, of course.

Dark, mysterious, and utterly frustrating hottie Val Draig has always been quite the opposite. Without even an attempt at trying. Except that whole being-a-dragon bit. And the violent bloody war bit. And the fact that simply by knowing him, Ace is now drawn kicking and screaming into a secret battle between two warring dragon factions.

Then Val told her she was his ideal everything.

Now, because he loves her, a whole group of dragons want her dead. And those are the good guys.

The bad guys want both Ace and Val’s entire clan wiped from existence. To stop the bloodshed, she and Val will unravel a hidden past only to discover a future together is the key to their survival.

Ace may not be ideal, but who she is may just be wild enough to work.


fifiFiona Druce and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest with two daughters and a large neurotic dog. Her interests are singing, triathlons, molecular biology, qualitative chemistry, mechanical and aerospace engineering, and writing fiction. She’s positive there is somehow a connection in all that but she hasn’t found it, yet. Suggestions welcome.

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1 Comment

  1. Fiona Druce

    Thanks so much for having us by, Sarah! And, really, my sincerest apologies. I tried to talk to Val and John afterward but Ace locked them out of the house, apparently, so they were preoccupied.

    Next time this will work out!

    I hope. o.O


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