Most everyone knows that April is Autism awareness month. You can’t go anywhere in social media without reading the articles, blog posts, and seeing the imagery. I wholeheartedly support the Autism support, as our Molly has a mild form.
But did you know that April is also Parkinson’s Awareness Month?
Don’t know what Parkinson’s is? Well, in pop culture reference, it’s the disease Michael J. Fox has.
Because I excel at layman’s terms, here is what Parkinson’s is…
It’s a progressive disease that involves the malfunction and death of vital nerves (neurons) in the brain. It affects the brains ability to produce dopamine…and dopamine is vital to controlling movement and coordination.
Primary signs of PD are:
- Tremors – in the hands, face, and legs
- Postural Instability – imbalance, lack of coordination
- Rigidity
- Slowness of movement (Bradykinesia)
Right now there is no cure. The treatments and medicine can be as difficult to bear as the disease.
My father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s eight years ago.
It went from being “that illness Michael J. Fox has” to a very real and prominent part of my world.
I hate the disease.
I hate how little we know about the brain.
I hate that they still aren’t 100% sure what causes it. If it’s genetic, or the cause is external.
I don’t like living in a world without answers.
Answers are my life-blood.
Not knowing sucks.
So please, take a moment and head over to the PDF website. Learn about Parkinson’s. If you can spare a few dollars, donate to support research and help them find the answers that are still so lacking.
The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!